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Home Express –
купувай и продавай
във Варна.

Home Express е агенция за недвижими имоти и специализира
в консултация и посредничество при сделки за недвижими
имоти. Ние можем да ви съдействаме с избора на апартамент,
къща, вила и всякакъв вид имот спрямо вашите
искания и условия.

За Home Express

Home Express

Home Express is a real estate agency located in Varna, Bulgaria and specializes in consulting and mediation in property deals. We can help you with the acquisition of an apartment, house, villa or any kind of property according to your requirements and conditions.

Our team will go with you through the whole process of acquisition or sale of the real estate. We have a huge portfolio of satisfied clients and successful deals. We also have contacts with a vast number or construction companies and we can always satisfy your demands.

The advantages of working with us:

The trust we build with our clients is a basic factor for our success.